If you’re a small business owner, you need a website. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Without a website, you’re putting yourself at a massive disadvantage when compared to your competitors who have one. But, how do you go about getting a website? Well, there are 2 primary methods for getting one.
The first option is to make a website on your own. The second option is to get a professional web designer to do it for you. Now, you may be tempted to create the website yourself, especially since big corporations spend a lot of money telling you to build your own website using their platform. A lot of small business owners think to themselves “why should I pay a professional web designer when there are plenty of free tools for building a website online?”
There are do-it-yourself website creation companies out there that have made it possible for anyone to build a rudimentary website given enough time and effort. However, it doesn’t mean that the website they create will look professional and do a good job at converting customers.
In a previous article, we explained the importance of having a professional website. As you read this blog article, you’ll see why you should get a professional to build your small business website.
It takes too long to build a nice website
If you’re a small business owner, there’s a good chance that you’re constantly strapped for time. Running a small business is time consuming and you can’t really afford to waste your valuable time making a website that’ll end up looking homemade. For an amateur, making a website is extremely time-consuming and you can expect to spend a few weeks making the site look decent.
It’s best for yourself and your business to choose a professional web designer or a website design and management company like Growfio. We’ll be able to get your website up and running quicker than you’d be able to, plus we’d always be there to answer any questions you have and quickly make future content updates.
A professional web designer will know about common mistakes in web development and how to avoid them, along with knowing the best SEO practices. An amateur, on the other hand, will not know how to avoid these mistakes and won’t be aware of best practices. As you can see from this article, there are a lot of mistakes that amateur “web designers” make. Mistakes will make the web development process take even longer. Your time is valuable.
The homemade website will look unprofessional
A lot of internet guides claim it’s possible for an amateur to make a good-looking website, but in reality, most people will tell the difference between a site that’s professionally made and maintained vs one that you created yourself. Making a professional looking website takes both experience and knowledge, which amateurs generally lack.
Now, you may be wondering why having a good-looking website is important, after all, as long as the website works, who really cares about how the website looks, right? Well, you’d be surprised. A lot of people, especially your potential customers, care. Businesses that don’t have a website or have a poorly designed website risk turning off potential customers. Those potential customers will assume the website is a reflection of the business as a whole, which isn’t what you want for your business.
This really is one of the best reasons to get your website done by a professional, seeing how click-through rates and conversion rates matter. A poorly designed site simply doesn’t generate the click-through rate and conversion rate that a small business needs. The best way to ensure that your website works well and looks good is to get the website built by a professional. Here’s a collection of small business websites we’ve built.
Professional website design is affordable
A big reason why so many small business owners hesitate to get a professional to work on their website is that they assume it’ll be costly and hurt their wallet. But, in reality, it’s extremely easy to get an affordable website done. The internet has made it simple and affordable to get professional small business website design created. For example, just take a quick look at our pricing and plans. As you can see, you can get a professional-looking website built and maintained by us.
When you consider how many customers a small business can attract by having a great looking website, then really the website ends up paying for itself many times over and over.
Professionals can optimize your website for SEO
Simply building a website is no guarantee that people will find your website. A big part of owning a website is engaging in SEO (search engine optimization), which helps people actually find your website on Gooogle, Bing, and Yahoo search engines. SEO works best if the website is optimized to work with SEO. If you’re already scratching your head because you don’t know what I’m talking about, then that’s a good reason for why you should be getting a professional to create your website.
If you plan on using SEO to help get your website to the top of search engines and to draw in customers, then you need to make sure your site is optimized to work with SEO. Again, this is the type of thing that you could attempt to do on your own using online guides, but it’s extremely complicated and best left to professionals. To give you an example of what I mean when I talk about optimizing a website for SEO, take a look at this article on the topic.
As you can see, the process of optimizing a website for SEO purposes is extremely complicated and it’s likely that an amateur would do something wrong. Given how important SEO is for some small businesses, it’s a good idea to get something like this handled by someone who knows what they are doing. Hire us to do your website design and website management!